A dystopian future is just around the corner
23 Feb 2025 06:40
16 Feb 2025 06:37
Do you have a fear of driving? Do you avoid fast roads or duck out of driving all together?
15 Feb 2025 07:57
Resilience is a funny old thing. It is one of those traits that some people seem to have and some don't. Those who have it seem to sail through life without a care. Those who are seemingly lacking in resilience have a harder time of it. Many experts talk about building resilience; accessing a toolbox that fortifies this important trait. I also refer to resilience as a trait, however, current thinking suggests it's more accurately described as a dynamic process rather than a static personality trait. This is good news for those of us who have times of being less resilient, as it means it can be developed and strengthened through learning and practice.
6 Feb 2025 09:39
The last thing we feel like doing when we are feeling low is cooking nutritious meals and keeping on top of our self care. Here I share a snippet from my own life, and the positive impact taking care of my basic needs had on improving my wellbeing.
28 Jan 2025 10:39
Following from my earlier post about this, the reaction I encountered on social media was extremely negative. Some were expressing their dismay that serious mental health issues were being dismissed, whilst most just wanted to pile on Tony Blair and his time in office, in particular, the dishonesty about the Iran Arms row.
20 Jan 2025 09:20
So I posted my first blog under #LifeAccordingToCassieJordan, and also posted it on my Facebook page of the same name. I boosted the post as it is a brand new space and I wanted to encourage people to follow me.
19 Jan 2025 17:15
According to Tony Blair, former prime minister - yes we have! I really didn’t think I would find myself quoting Tony Blair, particularly in connection to mental health, but here I am. So what does the ‘great’ man have to say about it? And why do I find myself agreeing with him?