A dystopian future is just around the corner

Published on 23 February 2025 at 06:40



The massively wealthy tech guys are after our creative data. This means that all writers, creatives and no doubt any of us who put content into the public domain will have their work harvested to train AI - no doubt with the aim to create the same type of content and further line the coffers of these moguls.

These plans have been backed by Starmer, and reading this article today, right in the middle of these murky plans is Blair.

Whilst not a fan of AI I have come to acquiesce that there is a place for it. Certainly in the summation of information on the web, I have found it useful when researching a topic - where salient details have been summarised and allowed me to choose which elements to take a closer look at.

Also, it is my understanding, anecdotally, that AI has been extremely useful as a diagnostic took, pinpointing diagnoses that our medical profession do not see.

What is less useful, is all of the fake videos that are circulating - whereas some of them might be fun to watch, like the saving of a penguin stuck in a bottle of sorts, lots of people are unable to discern fake from real. Also, it is now a thing to create deepfake videos of real people, saying things and doing things that are the creative imagination of whomever programmes such.

I invite you to consider this.

It seems that the time is now where we are close to losing autonomy (such as we have in a society controlled by the minority that are our politicians and those moguls who have world domination on their minds.)

Consider what jobs will be open to your children when AI and tech has been employed in the jobs of today and yesterday. For sure, efficiencies and eradication of human error may seem like progress - except is it? The monetary savings that are made - whose pockets do they line? Not mine or yours, and certainly not the generations to come.

There is an old adage from my childhood about being too clever for our own good. Well, the real danger here is that AI will become too clever for our own good.

I shudder at the dystopian bounds of the future of humanity.

This article, whether you are a fan of this publication or not, does contain a link to send a letter to your MP, should you wish to do so.

This isn't exactly the miners scenario - but actually, it will have the same impact over time. Lend them your support. I have.


You can read the full article here.


This blog first appeared on my social media pages. 


#dystopia #AI #Blair #Starmer #Techmoguls

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